Sunday, September 6, 2020


 I had the privilege of meeting a wonderful young Ethiopian family recently. This beautiful young couple and their 2 boys have been looking for a home with me.  The first day I met them, the wife hooked her arm into mine and said, "You are my mother." To say I was thrilled is an understatement! I love this young family and we have adopted each other.

We have been looking at a home on some beautiful acreage.  This afternoon we walked the property and talked about all the pros and cons.  Their oldest son, Ethan, was having a ball just playing outside, climbing a tree, looking for rabbits in the rabbit holes, etc. 

After we had looked at absolutely everything, his mom and little brother had gotten into the car but his dad was taking one last look around the house.  As Ethan and I walked over to him, Ethan said to me, "Do you know why I like to be outside?"

"No" I answered.  "Why?" 

"Because, when I'm outside I can dream."

Wow!  What a profound statement from an incredible young boy!  Of course, this vast creation frees us to dream!  After all, it was created by the biggest dreamer ever, our heavenly Father!  

It makes me think of all the times I have sat and watched a sunset...and dreamed.

Or sat on a beach and watched the waves rolling in...and dreamed.

Of times taking in the grandeur of the mountains...and dreamed.

Staring at the chasm of the Grand Canyon...and dreamed.

Riding on the sailboat with my Dad and the dolphins swimming alongside us...and dreamed.

As a kid, wading along the beach on Guam before the tide rolled in with my family, picking up shells...and dreamed.

Sitting in the tree house my brothers and I built...and dreamed.

This Labor Day weekend is in the middle of my Dad's birthday and my parents wedding anniversary so, of course, they have been on my mind.  I am so grateful that they raised us with a huge dose of outdoor fun.  Camping trips.  Weekends at the lake. Living in the country with horses to ride and woods to explore. Traveling across the country and taking in so much of God's exquisite creation.  Crossing the Pacific by cargo ship and watching the stars at night with absolutely no "light pollution" to dim the view. Even the simple wonder of planting a seed and watching it grow. 

I want to challenge you this long weekend to put down your electronic devices, get outside and take your family with you.  Enjoy the outdoors. 

And dream.

Psalm 19:1 The Passion Translation

"God's splendor is a tale that is told; His testament is written in the stars. Space it self speaks his story every day through the marvels of the heavens. His truth is on tour in the starry vault of the sky showing his skill in creation's craftsmanship."

Colossians 1:15-17 New Living Translation

"Christ is the visible image of the invisible God.  He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation, for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can't see-such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him. He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together."

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Look Up!

Who ever thought we would be living through a pandemic?!  I have to admit, it was never on my radar.  It certainly has been a very trying time. I never have been afraid of the virus itself but I have wavered between being fearful of the future and being confident in my Lord.

When I keep my eyes on things around me, I become fearful.  What if my business doesn't come back after my state reopens? What if my local economy plummets?  What if my church can't meet again for a long time?  What if my state declares bankruptcy?  The questions don't stop!  So many "what ifs"! 

As I have been feeding my fish I've noticed that one angel fish will always look to the bottom of the tank for food as the flakes sink into the water.  The problem is there are so many other fish swimming closer to the top that they are getting the food before it makes it down to the angel fish.  I found myself thinking, "If only you would look up to the source instead of focusing on the few pieces at the bottom."  After all, the fish is an excellent swimmer.  It can certainly swim up as it often does most any other time.

One day as I was mentally screaming at this silly fish to look to look up...look to the source...I heard the Lord say, "Why don't you look up? Why don't you look to your source?"  Good question, Lord!

After all, I love Matthew 6 where Jesus talks about not worrying about the things of this world.  What if we don't have enough to eat? What if we don't have good clothes to wear?  Instead, Jesus implores us to chase after the Kingdom of God first.  When we put Him first in all we do, all these other things will be given to us.  Why wasn't I doing that?  After all, didn't I trust God as my source?

I was reminded of David as he sang in the Psalms:

Psalm 121:1-2 (The Passion Translation)

I look up to the mountains and hills, longing for God's help.  But then I realize that our true help and protection come only from the Lord, our Creator who made the heavens and the earth.

Sometimes we just have to remind ourselves that God truly is our help and protection. 

Jesus Himself gave us a wonderful example of this as He prepared to feed 5000 families with a little boy's sack lunch. 

Matthew 14:19 (The Passion Translation)

Then He had everyone sit down on the grass as He took the five loaves and two fish.  He looked up into heaven, gave thanks to God, and broke the bread into pieces.  He then gave it to His disciples, who in turn gave it to the crowds.

Take a few minutes to read through Psalm 121.  It's a short chapter that will encourage you!  If you're like me and you find yourself running all the "what ifs" through your head, just stop, look up, and give thanks to God.  He is all you need. He is your source.