Sunday, November 10, 2013

Beth Moore

I have been privileged to see Beth Moore in person at a Living Proof Live event three times in the past four years. The first time was October, 2009.  Beth was coming to Springfield, IL.  I learned she was coming early in the year and told my daughters and Mom that for my birthday I wanted to go hear Beth Moore teach with my favorite girls.  I bought the tickets, Mom and Dad came into town and off we went to see Beth while the guys hung out.

It was amazing!  Beth taught on John the Baptist.  Afterward I was in the kitchen getting ready for dinner. Mom and Dad were in the living room and Mom was going through her notes telling Dad the highlights of what she had learned.  It was so sweet listening to her.

I found out that Beth was coming to St. Louis the following June so I got tickets for my daughter, Mom, and Dad to go. He was one of a handful of men with a whole bunch of women but he did not care. That weekend she taught on the image of God.  She literally began with Genesis 1 and ended with Revelation 22. She nearly hit on every book in between.  My head was swimming by the end but it was well worth it!  My parents really enjoyed it and we talked about what we had learned for months!

Little did I know that the following April they would be killed.  I am so grateful that we went to hear the in depth teaching on God's Word together.

When I heard that Beth was coming to Springfield again this October and I knew I had to be there.  I was blessed to have my daughters go with me. Beth taught on John Mark, the quitter. John Mark came from a well-to-do home. He had a fairly easy life. He went on a mission trip with Barnabas and Paul but when the going got rough he quit and went back home. Thankfully, Barnabas did not quit on him.  He took John Mark under his wing and mentored him. He went from being a quitter to a worker.

He ended up leaving the easy life behind to serve his Lord. He worked on mission trips. He ministered to Paul and to Peter at different times when they were in prison. He was with each of them near the end of their lives. He went on to write the Gospel of Mark!

I am blessed to have Godly parents, Godly grandparents, Godly aunts and uncles, Godly cousins, Godly great grandparents...well you get the idea. But only I can do the things God leads me to do and go where God tells me to go.  No one else can do it for me.

Beth talked about each one of us being a stone as the temple of the Lord is rebuilt.  We all have a part in the building of the church.  She then commissioned us to go and do the things God is calling us to do.

In the weeks prior to Beth Moore coming to Springfield, God was working overtime in my life! It was to the point of being overwhelmed but in a very good way! I have never felt such peace and joy! I feel that God is ready to unleash His Spirit on our community. The things that Beth shared just confirmed what God was saying to me and so many other women that I have been praying with.

I will be sharing more about the coming spiritual awakening in the days to come. Honestly, I am still trying to sort it all out! In the meantime, consider the Scripture that Beth opened the Friday night session with:

Ephesians 2:18-22 (New Living Translation)

Now all of us can come to the Father through the same Holy Spirit because of what Christ has done for us. So now you Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens along with all of God's holy people. You are members of God's family. Together, we are his house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself. We are carefully joined together in him, becoming a holy temple for the Lord. Through him you Gentiles are also being made part of this dwelling where God lives by his Spirit.

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